Energy certification of buildings
Regulations for energy overviews for buildings and energy certification of buildings (NN 81/12, 29/13, 78/13), demands that a property owner (located in Croatia) is obliged upon sale or lease, to give the customer the insight of the energy certificate regarding the property in subject.

Our office is authorized to perform energy overviews and energy certificates, for buildings with simple and complex technical systems, in other words for all buildings. Authority number issued by the Ministry of Environmental Protection, Urban planning and construction is P-304/2013. We issue energy overviews and certificates for existing and new buildings for all regions in Croatia.
Energy overview (is done only for existing buildings as a prerequisite for certification and it consists of:
- Beforehand preparations,
- Data collection of information regarding the building
- Implementation of control measurements if needed,
- Analysis of energy and water consumption over the last three years
- Proposed measures in order to improve energy performance of buildings that are economically justified also showing over what period of time the investment will be returned.
- Reports and conclusions, with recommendations for future implementations that are economically justified in order to improve energy performance of a building.
Issuance of a energy certificate includes:
- Review of existing project documentation,
- Calculations regarding energy needs of a building,
- Calculations of thermal energy for heating and cooling over a yearly base, for reference and actual climatic data,
- Determination of the buildings energy class,
- Development of an energy certificate,
- Public display of the energy certificate.